Friday, December 4, 2009

Reflecting Upon My Experience at Our Next Generation

The service learning project I did this semester was an extremely valuable experience. In working with these children and other volunteers, I have learned not only how nice and inviting these people can be, but how fulfilling it is to work with these children and this organization. For starters, I was impressed with Our Next Generation for taking on such a big task; the task of turning inner city youths, who would other wise probably lead bad lives, into good, well-off members of society. All the members and volunteers had a constant positive attitude and determination to help these children that it is completely admirable. It was hard not to feel positive around these people. I felt like I was doing some good, even if I was only there for a short time.

The part of this project that I enjoyed most was working with these kids. I mean, they were cool and fun and I enjoyed spending time with them. In talking with some of them, I found that many of their families aren’t much different than mine. It was also apparent that the kids who were there were being affected by this program. Hardly any of them were trouble makers or acting out. I mean part of that could have been because they run a tight ship and make sure these kids don’t act out, but they still didn’t seem like they wanted to in the least.

I’m going to be honest; my first impressions of this place were that it was a day care for all students to come to when their parents aren’t around. But after being there a while, I saw that it was much more than that. For the younger children, they did things like make holiday cards for their family and sing holiday rhymes as a class. For the older kids, teaching them how to fill out forms they will need to fill out someday by themselves and organize their time to get things done. No matter their age, I got the feeling of hope. By watching and helping these kids, I can tell that this organization is doing wonders for these people. They are polite and respectful but kids in all senses of the word. They still enjoy having fun and being kids but know how to be nice and non-disruptive. In my final impressions of Our Next Generation, I see it as good place for children to learn basic social skills. Many of these children’s families don’t have time or aren’t around to teach them crucial things about life. With this organization, they are teaching them how to be functioning members of society. It is because of this that I have great hope for inner cities all over America. From kindergarteners to high school kids, Our Next Generation is teaching them how to lead a good, successful life and believe not one of these kids doesn’t have the potential to do something great. I am extremely grateful that I have gotten the opportunity to work with such a great group of students and volunteers.

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